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LINKS FROM THE SQDA The SQDA is not responsible for information that is contained on other Websites that we have provided links too. One must not infer that a link from us indicates that the SQDA supports the mission statement from that group or organization. We provide the links for information to the public at large, we encourage each and everyone one of you to visit different sites and familiarize yourselves with their mission and their content. It is ultimately up to you to decide which ones are more suited to how you would like to contribute or find out about animals and their welfare. The links are grouped into the following categories: Information on companion animals Canadian Fauna First aid for pets Great apes and chimps and other animals that are not indigenous to Canada Unusual pet accessories Animal welfare organizations Information on companion animals: Did you know that there is a Web site designed to offer to Quebec residents and organizations classified ads with regards to companion animals. This service is provided FREE of charge. A great Website with notices from
shelters and requests to adopt or to place companion animals. |
An animal shelter database
for Canada
and the U.S. On
Petfinder.org you can: Are you interested in Parrots: care, breeding, feeding, habits, illnesses, personalities, etc. If you are having trouble with your Parrot or you can`t take care of him/her anymore, Oisellerie Berjot located in St-Hubert Quebec can help you with the care or if needed help to place it in a caring and responsible home. An amazing Website with an enormous amount of information. See : http://www.oisellerieberjot.ca/ Jodie`s Jiggley Piggley Farm
Halfway House for Unappreciated
Guinea Pigs! http://www.geocities.com/jiggley_piggley/ Want to know more about microchipping your pet, and about a new Canadian Company that has created a database to record all microchipped critters. “A Calgary company has developed Canada`s first national, interactive pet information network designed to reunite the one million dogs, cats and other creatures that go missing each year, with their owners.” “PetLynx is an information utility much like Interac or Cirrus. The difference is that instead of working with banks and retailers, PetLynx connects owners, animal shelters, municipal animal services, pet industry merchants, veterinary clinics, identification companies and other pet manufacturers.” “Our technology and services are creating the world's most comprehensive network of companion pet information in the world -- and saving the lives of thousands of pets.” See Petlynx: http://www.petlynx.net/PetLynx Check out their FAQ section for many answers with regards to microchip questions |
Would you like to know more about the situation with regards to puppy mills? There is a Canadian site and an American one. | |||||||||||||||||||||
Canadian site: www.nopuppymillscanada.ca American site:http://www.nopuppymills.com/ Canadian Fauna: Interested in Wolves, then you must visit the Website for Le clan des loups d’ Amérique du Nord (The wolf clan of North America). A non profit society founded in Quebec devoted to the protection of wolves with a Website offering over 40 pages of information on the plight of the Wolf and brimming with exclusive photographs: http://www.clanloups.com/ Interested in seeing Quebec Fauna up close and personal ? Then the Omega Parc in Montebello might be just for you, open all year round. “The park, unique in its kind in Quebec; allows you to discover numerous species of wildlife roaming freely in their natural habitat every season of the year. The park is an immense 1500 acre enclosure. Inside your vehicule you will drive through a 10 km course amongst lakes, prairies, valleys, forests, and rocky hills. While in the Park, to learn more about the animals, tune in your radio to 88.1 FM. We invite you to take a stroll amongst one of our 3 well kept trails.” |
See Parc Omega : http://www.parc-omega.com/ Interested in learning about the Fauna of the Greater Montreal area through workshops and activities, such as information on Owls, birds migrating to and from Quebec, recognizing animal footprints, amphibians and their calls and habits, Astronomy, Bats, etc. They have workshops tailored for all ages. See G.U.E.P.E. (Groupe Uni des Educateurs-naturalistes et Professionnels en environnement (A group uniting Educators and Professionnals in matters of nature and the enviroment): http://www.guepe.qc.ca/
Interested in learning about a shelter that specializes in treating the wounded wild animals from Quebec highways and roads and or victims of human intervention (such as caught in traps or hunting wounds). They have a heal and release program. Michel Pageau founded this shelter and is also known as “L’homme qui parle avec les loups”(The man who speaks with wolves) an NFB (National Film Board) documentary film on the shelter. See refuge Pageau: http://www.refugepageau.ca/
FIRST AID FOR PETS For quick tips: The American Red Cross has created a quick tip animal safety page, for cat, dogs, birds, small mammals and reptiles. http://www.redcross.org/services/disaster/beprepared/firstaid.html For detailed information: Dr. Fiona Anderson an Australian Veterinarian, has put together with the help of an incredible team an absolutely amazing web site, with a special section for First aid for pets. A truly impressive amount of information is available on this site First aid for pets: http://www.petalert.com.au/faid/fa1.php Or go to their main site: www.petalert.com.au Courses on First aid for Pets: Oakland Educational Services Ltd. is a Canadian company based in Calgary, Alberta. Started in 1993 by Ethne Dickinson the company offers a wide variety of training and services for the general public, healthcare professionals and businesses. We also have an innovative Pet First Aid course which prepares animal owners to be confident in dealing with an emergency. To complement our first aid training, we supply first aid kits that can be used for people and pets are available in an easily transported "fanny pack". http://www.oesl.com/index.html Unusual pet accessories: |
Looking for a safety jacket for a dog involved in water activities, or how about a bright orange safety coat to protect your dog during hunting season, dog back packs (so they can carry their own stuff), special dog boots, sled dog apparel such as “Doggles” (yes dog goggles) to protect against cataracts from exposure to UV rays. All kinds of unusual items for working dogs and of course for your regular companion animal and lots of neat items for humans too. http://www.mickiesplace.com/ Another place with similar products for the working dog is: http://www.ruffwear.com/ Products for dog agility and Flyball training: Flyballs, tunnels, special training leashes, etc. http://www.genuinedoggear.com/ A Quebec artist who helps the animal cause. Avery of Awes, creates many wonderful items for people and pets. Such as state of the art in comfort and style pet beds and elevated feeders. The pet beds are made with 4-inch thick high density foam cushions. The elevated feeders are made with special attention for the older or large dog who has trouble bending down to reach his food bowl. They have a whole fantasy line of Beds designed to look like mini pool tables, a sink, a TV set and more. They also encourage Animatch, a Quebec pet shelter, in many capacities. Such as helping to announce some of the dogs currently up for adoption directly on their Web site and by using some of the shelters dogs as models for their beds, participating in some of the Animatch fundraising activities, etc. Great apes and chimps and other animals that are not indigenous to Canada:
Interested in gorillas then please see: | |||||||||||||||||||||
The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International: www.gorillafund.org Interested in Chimpanzees retired or removed from laboratories then please see The Fauna Foundation, “We are a non-profit organization that works to protect and promote Quebec's native flora and fauna. We also provide shelter and a better life for many different species that have been neglected, abused or rejected by the humans who use them. Help us help them, and make our world a better place.” The Fauna Foundation offers a very interesting “adopt a chimp” program, (sort of like the programs that offer sponsorship for a foster child in a foreign country). http://www.faunafoundation.org
Animal Welfare organizations:
The Fund for animals
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About The Fund The Fund for Animals was founded in 1967 by prominent author and animal advocate Cleveland Amory, and has spearheaded some of the most historic and significant events in the history of the animal protection movement. With regional offices working around the country on hard-hitting animal advocacy campaigns, and animal care facilities such as the world-famous Black Beauty Ranch, The Fund is one of the largest and most active organizations working for the cause of animals throughout the world.
Canadian Federation of Humane Societies Established in 1957, the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies is a national charitable organization working to improve conditions for all animals across Canada. It is managed by a volunteer Board of Directors representing member societies and may include up to 5 Directors-at-Large.
The National Animal
Interest Alliance!
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Global Action Network http://www.gan.ca Global Action Network is a nationally incorporated non-profit organization, dedicated to fostering environmental awareness and action. We believe that animals, the environment, and human welfare are inextricably linked. Simply put, animal abuse and the destruction of our environment has an ultimate consequence - the degradation of the human species. We achieve our mandate through education, grassroots organizing, coalition building, and political networking.Global Action Network works in seven program areas: Sustainable Agriculture, Oceans, Wildlife, Animals in Entertainment, Globalization, Animals in Biomedical Research and Companion Animals.
“The EnviroLink Network is a non-profit organization which has been providing access to thousands of online environmental resources since 1991.” included in all their fascinating links we think you will be especially interested in the following one: http://www.animalconcerns.org/index.html (a project of EnviroLink network) |
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