PITCH November 2010 ‘’Caring Together’’ – An interactive site with a new look and educational content with a purpose dedicated to the career of artist Frédéric Back Did you know that Frédéric Back has travelled to your part of the country and immortalized it on paper? This must-known artist of the visual arts world and true living legend has successfully raised our awareness about the environmental cause by devoting his life’s work to the protection of the ecosystem, illustrating with great realism Canadian landscapes such as yours and the lifestyles of their various communities. The illustrator and film maker, two-time Oscar laureate for his works which reflect how much he cares about our environment, presents 5000 original works on his brand new website, as well as exclusive interactive and educational content. Additional to all of Frédéric Back’s works, the site now has a new section called “World Cultures” and it also features free educational packages, an excellent tool for parents and teachers wishing to raise youth’s awareness about the environmental cause through Frédéric Back’s work. “Picture a greener future”, a poster contest created for 10-18 year olds who would like to leverage their talent by drawing a message calling to action, is also online. It will give students an opportunity to not only demonstrate their artistic abilities, but also their environmental and community commitment. Three prizes will be awarded by a panel of judges for each category, 10-14 and 15-18 year olds:
First Prize: Toshiba Laptop (value: $1,400.00 each) Second Prize: 1 (squirt) print from the film “The Man Who Planted Trees”, numbered and signed by Frédéric Back (value: $250.00 each) Third Prize: DVD Box Set of Frédéric Back films (value: $38.00 each)
A tree will be planted in the commemorative “The Man Who Planted Trees” forest in Laval, Quebec, on behalf of each participant in the contest. The deadline for entering is January 14, 2011, at 5pm and a winner will be selected for each category on February 14, 2011, at 5pm. Participants may register online and all contest regulations are posted on the website: www.fredericback.com
For more details about Frédéric Back and the “Picture a greener future” contest, please visit:
To schedule an interview with a spokesperson for Atelier Frédéric Back or to get more information, please contact: Marjorie Belisle High Road Communications 514-908-0110, extension 318