Click here to see the:  2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2008 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 campaign


Each year, close to 500 000 cats and dogs are abandoned in the province of Quebec, this is the highest amount in North America.

80 % of the animals received by shelters are euthanized within 72 hours of their arrival. The fate that awaits cats abandoned in the streets is even more tragic: they reproduce quickly and in large numbers and end up dying either through starvation, exposure to the cold or by disease.

There are two answers for the problems of unwanted domestic pets: owners taking responsibility and the neutering or spaying of your pet.

If you are moving and you cannot take your animal with you, it is your responsibility to find your pet a new home. Shelters are to be used only as a last recourse and under no circumstances should you abandon your pet in the country, by the side of a road or highway, etc.

Remember that there are already too many domesticated animals for the number of homes available. Supply does indeed exceed demand.

Taking responsibility also means neutering or spaying your pet.

To adopt an animal has to involve some forethought. You picked him or her; they give you their trust in return, don’t betray them!

A message from the Quebec Society for the Defence of Animals.



Articles de presse.

La Presse

The Gazette


Moving campaign 2002



Feline model for the 2002 moving campaign poster of the SQDA, "Bob" feline companion to Patricia Tulasne the official spokesperson of the SQDA.


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